OTW items are upgraded based on TOTW (until the end of the 2019-20 season), MOTM, Hero, Record Breaker and Team Of The Tournament selections. OTW items will NOT be upgraded based on POTM, Award Winner, SBC, or other in game event selection. Each item’s dynamic ratings will increase based on the players’ real-world performances throughout the season. ...

FIFA 20 dictionary is essential for new players and useful for the other ones. There are a lot of specific terms and abbreviations used in FIFA 20 Ultimate Team. The less experienced players may have some problems understanding their meaning. That’s why have we decided to create the largest FUT 20 glossary with the most popular terms, abbreviations and definitions.    FIFA 20 Dictionary and Abbreviations All the most important FUT words in a single page  #   2x CHANCE Special Happy Hours in which you have two... ...

Born in the late 70s, Rodrigo Lopes is a video game enthusiast. He started on the old ZX Spectrum 48k and has played every FIFA game to present day. He is an engineer, that also writes about FIFA games on another popular website. Rodrigo is an Ultimate Team expert, he loves football and is a huge Benfica fan. He has influenced thousands of FIFA gaming fans with his cutting edge insights and scientific level approach to writing about FIFA gaming modes. Join him on Google Plus. ...

The managers are the most important staff cards of the game. Find out how you can use them with the help of our FIFA 20 Managers Cards Guide for FIFA 20 Ultimate Team.  FIFA 20 MANAGERSROLES | CONTRACT BOOST | CHEMISTRY BOOST | MANAGER’S CONTRACTS | IMPORTANCE | LIST Roles What FIFA 20 managers do? Among the five types of staff cards, the FIFA 20 managers cards are clearly the most important ones. They develop two roles which take part on the main parts of the game. If you’re an experienced player, the managers are the only... ...

Do you want to know more about FIFA 20 Physio Coaches, right? Then, keep reading. Â FIFA 20 PHYSIO COACHESROLES | HEALING BOOST | IMPORTANCE | LISTÂ Roles What FIFA 20 physio coaches do? No one likes to spare their best player. We all want to play at full strength. However, not always things go as planned and, sometimes, players get injured. When this happens you have only two options: wait for them to rest between the reserves so they can get back in form naturally, or you apply healing cards on them. In the second case, owning ... ...

Do you want to know more about FIFA 20 Fitness Coaches, right? Then, keep reading.  FIFA 20 FITNESS COACHESROLES | BOOST | IMPORTANCE | LIST Roles What FIFA 20 fitness coaches do? A lot of players don’t give too much importance to their team’s fitness management. They do know that the players’ performance decreases when they’re tired, but they prefer to manage that only by applying fitness cards. For them, fitness coaches can be really important since they are responsible to boost the effect of consumables. This, by the... ...

Do you want to know more about FIFA 20 Head Coaches and Goalkeeper Coaches, right? Then, keep reading. Â FIFA 20 COACHESROLES | TRAINING BOOST | IMPORTANCE | HEAD COACHES LIST | GOALKEEPER COACHES LISTÂ Roles What FIFA 20 coaches do? Both the head coach and the goalkeeper coach cards can be understood by one explanation since they do the same thing: increase the effect of training cards. Head coaches give the player training cards bonus while goalkeeper coaches give the goalkeeper training cards bonus. In order for you to realis... ...

Chemistry Styles Cards were introduced for the first time ever in FUT 14 but, to many people, they are too complex. We will explain to you what Chemistry Styles Cards for FIFA 20 Ultimate Team are, how they work and how you can use them. Â FIFA 20 CHEMISTRY STYLESROLES | LIST | BONUS | HOW TO USEÂ FIFA 20 Chemistry Styles What are FIFA 20 chemistry styles? Chemistry Styles are consumable cards. As any other consumable, they can be purchased on the market, or obtained from a pack. In FUT 13 and earlier editions, players receive... ...

Learn everything about FIFA 20 Manager’s League Cards, including how they work, a list with all these cards and a guide to help you decide if you should use them or not.  FIFA 20 MANAGER’S LEAGUE CARDSROLES | LIST | IMPORTANCE Roles What FIFA 20 manager’s league cards do? The managers are the most important staff in the game. They give a boost to the contract cards, but they also contribute with one point to the individual chemistry of all players from the starting eleven that have the same nationality or the same league ... ...